Natural Mineral Water
What is Microplastics? Apa itu mikroplastik? Used plastics turn to wastes and degrade into smaller and smaller pieces. These plastic wastes are then identified as microplastics (less than five millimeters in length). Plastik yang telah digunakan menjadi sisa buangan dan akhirnya terurai menjadi serpihan-serpihan yang semakin kecil. Sisa plastik yang bersaiz kurang daripada lima milimeter panjang ini dikenali sebagai mikroplastik.
Natural Mineral Water
Does Microplastics cause health risk?Adakah Mikroplastik Mengancam Kesihatan?
Studies have found that microplastics can come in the forms of physical hazard, chemicals and microorganisms known as biofilms. These forms could risk our health when eaten as it may damage the human cells causing cell dead and allergic reactions.

However, there are still no strong evidence that microplastics in drinking water could pose a threat to our health.
Kajian mendapati mikroplastik boleh wujud dalam bentuk bahaya fizikal, bahan kimia dan mikroorganisma dikenali sebagai biofilem. Bentuk-bentuk mikroplastik ini berpotensi mendatangkan risiko kesihatan jika termakan kerana ia boleh merosakkan sel manusia, menyebabkan kematian sel dan reaksi alahan.

Walaubagaimanapun, buat masa ini tiada bukti kukuh yang menunjukkan mikroplastik dalam air minuman boleh mengancam kesihatan kita.
Natural Mineral Water
Are there Microplastics in drinking water?Adakah terdapat Mikroplastik dalam air minuman?
In 2018, a research conducted by the State University of New York - Fredonia ("SUNY-Fredonia") titled "Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water" revealing that many international brands of bottled water were contaminated with microplastics, which, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the European Chemicals Agency, are very small fragments of plastic originating from various industrial and manufacturing processes and products that can contaminate natural ecosystems.

The tests done by SUNY-Fredonia covered 259 individual bottles from 27 different lots across 11 brands, purchased from 19 locations in nine countries around the world. The SUNY-Fredonia report noted that there was an average of 325 particles per litre, with concentration ranging from zero to more than 10,000 particles in a single bottle. From the samples, the report found that 93% were found to contain microplastics.

NO Microplastics in Spritzer Natural Mineral Water.
Pada tahun 2018, sebuah kajian yang dijalankan oleh State University of New York - Fredonia ("SUNY-Fredonia") yang bertajuk "Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water" mendedahkan bahawa banyak air botol berjenama antarabangsa telah dicemari dengan mikroplastik. Menurut US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration dan European Chemicals Agency, mikroplastik adalah fragmen plastik yang sangat kecil. Ia berasal dari pelbagai proses dan produk perindustrian serta pembuatan yang boleh mencemarkan ekosistem semula jadi.

Ujian yang dilakukan oleh SUNY-Fredonia meliputi 259 botol individu dari 27 kelompok yang berbeza merangkumi 11 jenama, dibeli daripada 19 lokasi di sembilan negara di seluruh dunia. Laporan SUNY-Fredonia menyatakan bahawa purata zarah mikroplastik ditemui adalah 325 partikel per liter, dengan kepekatan antara sifar hingga lebih 10,000 partikel dalam satu botol. Laporan itu juga menyatakan bahawa 93% daripada sampel yang diuji mengandungi mikroplastik.

Tiada Mikroplastik Dikesan Dalam Air Mineral Semula Jadi Spritzer
Natural Mineral Water
In 2021, Spritzer conducted research on its natural mineral water through an independent laboratory, SIRIM Berhad, showing that no microplastics have been detected. The laboratory had conducted tests from a sample taken from a 600ml Spritzer Natural Mineral Water bottle produced on 21 January 2021 and did not detect any synthetic polymers or microplastics, even when examined under 50 times magnification.

The findings from SIRIM are a powerful affirmation of the stringent quality processes practiced by Spritzer, and a testament to its efforts in ensuring that the 400-acre protected site in Taiping, Perak located near a tropical rainforest from which the Company draws the sources of its natural mineral water, is kept clean and safe for consumption.
Pada tahun 2021, Spritzer telah menjalankan penyelidikan terhadap air mineral semulajadinya melalui makmal persendirian, SIRIM Berhad. Hasil kajian menunjukkan tiada mikroplastik dikesan dalam air mineral Spritzer. Makmal tersebut telah menjalankan ujian ke atas sampel yang diambil dari botol Air Mineral Semulajadi Spritzer 600ml yang dihasilkan pada 21 Januari 2021. Tiada polimer sintetik atau mikroplastik dikesan, walaupun diperiksa di bawah pembesaran 50 kali ganda.

Penemuan daripada SIRIM ini membuktikan proses kawalan kualiti yang ketat diamalkan oleh Spritzer. Ia juga menunjukkan komitmen Spritzer dalam memastikan kawasan perlindungan seluas 400 ekar di Taiping, Perak, yang terletak berhampiran hutan hujan tropika sebagai sumber air mineral semula jadinya, sentiasa bersih dan selamat untuk diminum.
Microplastics in drinking-water. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 427 (2021), Article 127861, 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127861

Mason SA, Welch VG and Neratko J (2018) Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water. Front. Chem. 6:407. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00407

Microplastics in drinking-water. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 427 (2021), Article 127861, 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.127861

Mason SA, Welch VG and Neratko J (2018) Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water. Front. Chem. 6:407. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00407


Mineral Water

Natural Water

Bottled Water
